Gale Rhodes: Publications

Crystallography Made Crystal Clear: A Guide for Users of Macromolecular Models, 3rd Edition, Gale Rhodes, San Diego: Elsevier/Academic Press, Released 2006/02/16 (2nd Edition, 2000, 1st Edition, 1993). MORE

• “Prelude to Biochemistry: A Review of Important Concepts from Organic Chemistry," Gale
Rhodes, in The Student Companion to Horton's Biochemistry, Alan Scism, Neil Patterson Publishers, 2006, 2001, and 1996 editions.
• Chapter Zero: Setting the Stage for Biochemistry—A Review of Essential Concepts from
General and Organic Chemistry, 2006. READ
Web Sites

• One Culture: Science and the Humanities
Description coming. VISIT
The Molecular Level: Tools for Structural Biology Education and Training
Tutorials and learning guides in molecular graphics, bioinformatics, structural biology, and biochemistry. A featured website in WebWatch, Science, 308, April 22, 2005, and in the Internet Scout Project, University of Wisconsin, 2005. VISIT 


• The career I dreamed of? Science 345, 1414, 2014. READ
• Second strike (I don't usually interfere with predation), Birdwatchers Digest, May/June 2013, 38. READ
• Catch of the day: a neighborhood to the rescue, Birdwatchers Digest, September/October 2010, 74. READ
• Lamin B receptor—multitasking at the nuclear envelope, Ada L. Olins, Gale Rhodes, David B. Mark Welch, Monika Zwerger and Donald E. Olins, Nucleus, 1, 1, 2009. READ
• Book Review (invited): CHEMICAL BIOLOGY: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS, Larijani, B., et. al., eds. John Wiley, 2006, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 36, 89, 2008.
• Book Review (invited): STRUCTURE IN PROTEIN CHEMISTRY, Kyte, Jack, 2nd edition, Garland Science, New York, 2007, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 36, 90, 2008.
• Book Review (invited): PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY FOR THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Hammes, Gordon G., Wiley, 2007, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 35, 479, 2007.
Book Review (invited): STRUCTURAL GENOMICS AND HIGH-THROUGHPUT STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, Michael Sundstrom et. al. eds. Taylor and Francis, 2006, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 35, 483, 2007.
Achieving due recognition for web scholarship: Experience at a structural biology education web site (invited), Gale Rhodes, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 33, 372-4 (2005).
Use of the Protein Data Bank in introductory biochemistry, Gale Rhodes, invited article for first feature in the new column “PDB Education Corner,” Protein Data Bank Newsletter 17, 2003 (online newsletter, spring 2003 edition) READ (links within article have expired)
Molecular graphics manifesto: Why and how to integrate molecular graphics into introductory biochemistry, Gale Rhodes, World Wide Web article, June 2002. READ
Writing and computing across the USM chemistry curriculum, Nancy R. Gordon, Thomas A. Newton, Gale Rhodes, John S. Ricci, Richard G. Stebbins, and Henry J. Tracy, Journal of Chemical Education 78, 53 (2001).
Using rubber tubing to demonstrate DNA supercoiling and the action of topoisomerases, Gale Rhodes, The Chemical Educator 2, No. 5, 1997.
The well-read biochemist: A literary supplement to biochemistry, Gale Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education 73, 732-4, 1996. READ
A tutorial in molecular modeling, Gale Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education 79, A178, 1995.
• Metaphor in science and literature: Creating an environment for active interdisciplinary learning, Robert Schaible and Gale Rhodes, Journal of College Science Teaching XXII, 100, 1992. 
• Talking students/listening teachers: The student-led discussion. Robert Schaible and Gale Rhodes, Issues & Inquiry in College Teaching & Learning 15, 44, 1992.
• Does a one-molecule gas obey Boyle's law? Gale Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education 69, 16, 1992. READ, using the Page navigation arrows at the top of page 1 to move to pages 2 and 3 of the article.
• Content, process, and the art of teaching. Robert Schaible and Gale Rhodes, Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 6, 7-12, 1991.
• Talking students, listening teachers: A user's manual for student-led discussion. W.G. Rhodes and Robert Schaible, in The Joy of Learning, Willard Callender, editor. Portland, Maine: University of Southern Maine Publications Office, 89-98, 1990.
• Book Review (invited): IS SCIENCE NECESSARY? by Max Perutz. Chemical and Engineering News, 68, 31,1990.
• Cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase: The structure of the enzyme refined at 2.5 angstroms resolution. W.G. Rhodes, Jens Birktoft, and Leonard J. Banaszak, Biochemistry 28, 6065, 1989.
• Comparison of the molecular structures of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. J. Birktoft, Z. Fu, G. Carnahan, W.G. Rhodes, S. Roderick, and L. Banaszak, Annals of the British Biochemical Society 17, 301, 1989.
• Fact, law, and theory: ways of thinking in science and literature. W.G. Rhodes and Robert Schaible, Journal of College Science Teaching XVIII, #4, 228, (1989); reprinted in What Socrates Began, proceedings of the 1987 Russell Chair Symposium, L. Cohen, editor, 117-124.
Methods and instruments for determining the structures of biological macromolecules by x-ray crystallography. L. Banaszak, W.G. Rhodes, and J. Sacchettini, in Bioinstrumentation, C. Lange, editor; National Association of Biology Teachers, publisher, 1988, pp. 1-12.
Mirrors and Microscopes. W.G. Rhodes and Robert Schaible, Journal of Chemical Education 65, 991 (1988).
Protein graphics on the Commodore 64 microcomputer. W.G. Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education 63, 1070 (1986).
The squeezed-earth problem: an illustrative problem in chemistry of the solid state. W. G. Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education 63, 970 (1986).
• Book Review (invited): ORIGINS: A SKEPTIC'S GUIDE TO THE CREATION OF LIFE ON EARTH, by Robert Shapiro. Chemical and Engineering News 64 (#29), 46 (1986).
Book Review: THE PERIODIC TABLE, by Primo Levi. Journal of Chemical Education 62, A301 (1985). READ
Gel electrophoretic profiles of proteinases in dark-germinated flax seeds. S. Jameel, V.M. Reddy, W.G. Rhodes, & B.A. McFadden, Plant Physiology 76,730 (1984).
The saturation equation as a unifying theme in introductory biochemistry. W.G. Rhodes, Biochemical Education 12, 86 (1984).
Purification and characterization of an extracellular acid proteases from Neurospora crassa. W.G. Rhodes, R.A. Lindberg, & H. Drucker, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 223, 514 (1983).
Extracellular acid proteases from Neurospora crassa. R.A. Lindberg, W.G. Rhodes, L.D. Eirich, & H. Drucker, Journal of Bacteriology 150, 1103 (1982).
Nuclear equivalence and conformational rotation. J.S. Todd & W.G. Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education 59, 820 (1982).
F=(9/5)C+32 is the equation of a straight line. W.G. Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education 57, 620 (1980).
Simulation of enzyme action on the programmable calculator. W.G. Rhodes & D.W. Taylor, Journal of Chemical Education 57, 506 (1980).
Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation times from continuous-wave NMR spectroscopy. W.B. Wooten, J. Jacobus, J.E. Gurst, W. Egan, W.G. Rhodes, & K. Wagener, Journal of Chemical Education 56, 304 (1979).
Ever-more-sophisticated lies about bonding: a minicourse in HMO theory for undergraduates. W.G. Rhodes, R. Smock, & L. Brown, Journal of Chemical Education 54, 687 (1977).
Pictures and toys. W.G. Rhodes, Journal of Chemical Education, 54, 12 (1977).
• Thermal proteinoids: a project in molecular evolution for the undergraduate biochemistry laboratory. W.G. Rhodes, W.H. Flurkey, & R.M. Shipley, Journal of Chemical Education 52, 97 (1975).
• Determination of the coefficients of HMO wave functions: a computer program in the BASIC language. W.G. Rhodes & L. Brown, Journal of Chemical Education 21, 595 (1974)
• Methods for the protection of thiols. R.G. Hiskey, V.R. Rao, & W.G. Rhodes, in Protective Groups in Organic Chemistry, J.F.W. McOmie, editor, Plenum press, London, 1973, pp. 235-308.
The reaction of 4,4'-bis-(dimethylamino)-diphenylcarbinol with sulfhydryl group: a new reagent for sulfhydryl analysis. M.S. Rohrbach, B.A. Humphries, F.J. Yost, Jr., W.G. Rhodes, S. Boatman, R.G. Hiskey, & J.H. Harrison, Analytical Biochemistry 52, 127 (1972).